Puke Poetry

Heart like a hand grenade, fully-automatic weapon for a mind.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Ode to a Non-Existant Valentine

(Author's note: I think I've come to the conclusion that Valentine's Day is less about those in relationships having a day to focus all their attentions on their loved one and more about making single people feel like shit. I don't like thinking "Damn, I wish I had someone right now." I don't like feeling like I need someone, because I don't. But all this Valentine's Day ruckus has got me thinking that it would be nice to have a boy who would take me out for Indian food and then watch gorey movies with me late into the night. Roses and chocolate would preferably be replaced by maybe a knife and some nice cigarettes. But instead I've become comfortable with the fact that I'll get home at 9pm from my night class and watch a Cheaters marathon on TV. And it'll be just another Wednesday night.)

her eyes shown like sunlight as the ax came crashing down
and her tears screamed of midnight as her heart burned through the world
she's sinking not swimming and she'll try to take you down with er
right after explaining that you don't mean a thing

it'll just be another lonely Wednesday night
i swear it's just the same
same old me
same old absence of a "you"


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