Puke Poetry

Heart like a hand grenade, fully-automatic weapon for a mind.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

nothing but my mind.

i'll wander and search and seek
sit and listen, breathe and scream
til there's nothing left of me
i will become immaculate and blessed
in my mansion built of nothingness
on someone else's holy ground
with patches of my own past
littering the sides of sight
creating dimension
and a sense of reality
i will watch my mind
tick tock, drip drop
slowly work it's way to lost
i will hold my heart to the sky
to be anointed by the stars
and have the scars brushed away
by a heavy, whispering wind
i will dance along this path
no compass, no map
i will give my gut the chance
to prove it's instinct
and not a bitter bone in my body
will be in the lead
and i'll let myself sink into
the fields, with their open arms
filled with what i never lost.


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