Puke Poetry

Heart like a hand grenade, fully-automatic weapon for a mind.

Monday, June 09, 2008


list your achievements:
fill in the blank.
there's a lot of gaping line space.

well, dear reader, evaluator:
i feel a little more alive today
than i did yesterday,
and that's something.

i left my ghetto fabulous
hometown in a sprawling
city's clothing
near a year ago.
it's been the best decision
i've ever made.
and that's something.

i've survived rape, abuse,
control, deception, and shame,
and i will someday
have my revenge
on the source of these
battle scars.
and that's something.

i've gained eight pounds
in weight and muscle
since i dropped below 107
last august.
i'm still small,
but i'm strong and
more than able.
and that's something.

i wake up every day
and remember to breathe
and am finally condfident
in my capabilities as a living being.
that's something, and really,
all i need.

Severe Weather Watch

my three cats
they stand confused
by the wind whipping
the trees around
like they were rubber
they're staring intently
through my raised
first floor screens
posted in a line
on the back of
my and their
favorite armchair
watching, tense and alert
like they're waiting
like they've caught the scent
of something, and it's telling them
that something is coming.